About 20 Years ago,
Linda Clarke, writer, professional storyteller and bioethics consultant was a neurosurgery patient of a colleague, Michael Cusimano at St.
Michael's hospital in Toronto Canada. What was a distant relationship
turned into one that was much closer. 10 years ago, Linda and Michael
had a dialogue about recounting the story of her surgery and their
relationship together. Linda became the "architect" of their project--
and they became co-authors in 2019 of In Two Voices: A Patient and a
Neurosurgeon Tell their Story. The result is a lyrical co-memoir-- at
times riveting, at other times sobering of their shared experience. What
is probed goes much deeper than the facts, exposing the actors
involved, their lives outside of their callings, their upbringing, and,
most importantly, their differing interpretations of an important event
during the surgery that only came to full light during the writing