
How To Be Depressed  is a book with a most unusual structure.  It is introduced by an essay entitled “Intake” that was previously published in a literary magazine.  The bulk of the book, “Documentia,” is taken up by an edited selection of the author’s psychiatric records from 1969 to 2016. It is rounded out by an interview with the author and by his “Tips for the Depressed.”   

Author George Scialabba ascribes his “exceptionally flimsy…shock absorbers” to his “constantly worried” parents (p.3).  While studying at Harvard he becomes involved with a strict religious organization. After leaving that group he undergoes a crisis of faith and his first episode of depression. Paralyzed by self-doubt, he drops out of graduate school and begins a cycle of clerical jobs that are beneath his intellectual capability. After many years he gradually wins distinction as a freelance essayist.  However, due to his incapacitating symptoms he never has a steady writing job and has difficulty attaining financial security.  

In his introduction, Scialabba tells us that “the pain of a severe clinical depression is the worst thing in the world.  To escape it, I would do anything” (p.1).  As attested to by the notes of his well-meaning psychiatrists and psychotherapists, he has diligently applied himself to a wide variety of treatments.  Sadly, if anything he gets worse over time, and eventually requires electroconvulsive therapy. 


The task of wading through more than a hundred pages of treatment notes induces a feeling of helplessness.  This gives us a taste of the author’s own experience of his illness. He often seems to get better or worse without rhyme or reason. Diagnoses come and go.  At various times he has been called borderline, obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic or schizoid. He himself questions the literary quality of the notes, considering them “anti-writing” (p.7).  Nevertheless, persevering through the material does yield insights for the reader.  

For one thing, the notes document changes in psychiatry over the past half century.  The early note takers took their time and their writing is thoughtful and descriptive.  Later notes are comparatively terse and center on the patient’s response to medication.  The author suggests that the change reflects a greater fear of litigation.  The reality is multifactorial.  Less attention is devoted nowadays to understanding a patient’s psychodynamics.  Insurance companies pay for symptom relief and want documented results.   

Any sense of tedium the reader might feel from reading the author’s mental health records is made up for by his “tips.”  Scialabba gives practical suggestions about pharmaceuticals, what to eat, and how to sleep. Sufferers of depression will be pleased to hear about these things not from a doctor, but from someone who has been through the same ordeal.

In short, How To Be Depressed is a self-help book that is somewhat out of the ordinary, and whose flippant title belies its serious content.  It provides an intellectual perspective on a devastating and common disease.


University of Pennsylvania Press

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