
The story opens two years into the writer's undiagnosed hematological disorder, focusing the narrative on the two most significant issues in this young woman's life--her first experience with a love relationship that is to result in a long-term commitment, and the disease that for years is to affect the way she lives her day-to-day life. Breslin describes in considerable detail her encounters with hospitals and health care professionals, none of whom are able to diagnosis nor prognosticate but continue to treat each new symptom as it arises.

In the midst of this uncertainty which pervades the memoir, are the subtexts of the love between the author and her husband and the relationship she maintains with her father. The reader, presumably like the author herself, never learns the name of the mysterious illness that informs the tale.


Although there is throughout this narrative the constant presence of the author's illness and the disability it intermittently imposes on her, it is basically a love story. It does offer to the interested reader a number of incidents pertinent to the patient role and to the interactions between very sick people and the medical system.


Rosemary Breslin is a journalist and screen writer.


Random House: Villard

Place Published

New York



Page Count